Minggu, 24 November 2019

need analysis ; english language development in the field of guidance and counseling education

NEED ANALYSIS : english language development in the field of guidance and counseling education



Supporting the achievement of development goals the use of quality Indonesian humans is through conducting education quality. Quality education process is not enough is only done through transformation science and technology, but also also supported by increased professionalism and the management system of educators as well developing the ability of students to help yourself in choosing and taking decision to achieve its goals.
Difficulty learning English  until now there are still many experienced by students, especially in college. The results of initial observations indicates that initial capital (intakes) Their English is very low. In fact, the quality of input will certainly be affect both process and learning outcomes. Quality of college intakes is output from level secondary school education.
In addition, frequency learning in college too less supportive of improvement the quality of English language learning in the counseling department. General English only given in semester 2, with frequency 2 Semester Credit Units (SKS) per week Global competition in all field demands quality improvement human resources  including lecturers, as the tip the spear. College output must be truly qualified to be competitive and have a position high bargaining. One attempt to realize the above is to improve quality English language learning is counseled. Mastery of English Language open their horizons to development of science and technology, including education now it can be accessed easily from various sources. Improving the quality of english learning can be achieved if the background is known behind learning difficulties.
Information about learning difficulties can be used as a basis goal setting, methods, strategies, and relevant learning material with the needs of graduates. Therefore, background study is needed behind the difficulty of learning English.😃

This study involved students
Guidance on Counseling at the Tarbiyah Faculty and teacher training at the Bukittinggi IAIN which is not a prospective teacher. Based on the phenomenon this is the author analyzing the difficulty learn English language students, the can then be used as basis for improving the quality of learning.
As a study base, writer refer to several theories and results relevant previous research. The theoretical reference concerns various concepts about motivation learning, learning English, roles lecturers and students inside learning, facilities / infrastructure standardized English learning, material learning, and learning environment The ideal. Motivation is of two types, namely intrinsic and extrinsic. Motivation intrinsic is an encouragement to do something without coercion (reinforcement) and rewards from anyone. Extrinsic motivation is a drive to do something depends on rewards. If someone realizes he has intrinsic motivation, gifts can resulting in negative influence on its performance.
Learning is conscious process that involves memory someone related to information that is being studied, for example say hello, use language rules, and vocabulary (Tomlinson, 1998: 4). Learning language can be knowledge about language systems (language usage) and language usage (language use). Language learningmodern involves institutions, teaching, learning, and teaching (Richards, 2001b: 198) as well prioritizing learning experience, self-esteem, emotional involvement, connectedness learning with thinking power, (representation of the power of thought through utilization of the sense of sight, emotional association, and use deep sound power), use communicative language, and material encouraging learning learner creativity (Tomlinson & Masuhara, 2004: 2-3).
Language learning system modern ideally based analysis needs (AK). AK is information collection procedure about learning needs at certain level of learner, i.e. to formulate goals and content learning (Richards, 2001b: 51- 90; Gall, 2003: 557). At the level college, AK focuses on mastery of language skills in accordance with the field of study learner. These various aspects above involves the role of lecturers and college student. The success of teaching is not only influenced by quality lecturers, but also influenced by the existence of institutions, motivation student learning and process teaching. Whether or not conducive institutions, depending on: goals and mission of the institution; management style; attitude togetherness between staff; the role of the lecturer; monitoring system; supporting facilities; curriculum planning system and teaching; agency tips for make a change; and openness of communication. Quality output and outcome depends on the role of students in doing learning activities. Active role student depends on level his motivation in learning.
Motivation high learning will support improvement in learning outcomes.
Theory important difference. The target of this need is to see the term target situation from Necessities, Lacks, and Wants:
a) Necessities
We can interpret ‘necessities’ as a type of need that is determined by the demands of the target situation, namely what the learner must know in order to function effectively according to the target. For example: a businessman, according to the target needs of his situation, he must understand business letters, to be able to communicate effectively during sales conferences, and to obtain information needs from sales catalogs, etc. He also must understand the linguistic-discorsal, functional, structural, lexical features that are commonly used in these situations.
b) Lacks
           This analysis of student shortages is done to find out the types of needs needed by students.
c) Wants
           So far, we have only fulfilled student needs only from their objective needs, where students have a passive role. In fact, students have a view as to what needs they need. As Richterich (1984 p.29) says that this need is not in one's independence. That need is a description of their needs based on data relating to themselves and their environment.
 Learning Needs (Learning Needs)
To find out the lessons needed by students we must first know the learning situation, the learning situation is the need for a task that is fun, satisfying, managed, generative, etc
Definition of Needs
Everyone must have needs in their lives, because without a need they don’t have a reason to do something, a need has been described as:
A gap between “what is” and “what should be.” (Witkin et al., 1995)
“A gap between real and ideal that is both acknowledged by community values and potentially amenable to change.” (Reviere, 1996, p. 5)
May be different from such related concepts as wants (“something people are willing to pay for”) or demands (“something people are willing to march for”). (McKillip, 1987)

Definition of need analysis
Needs analysis is a Systematic process to acquire an accurate, thorough picture of the weaknesses and strengths of a school group that can be used in response to the academic and course needs of all students for improving student achievement and meeting challenging academic and course standards. Process that collects and examines information about achievement issues and then utilizes that data to determine priority goals, to develop a plan, and to allocate funds and resources (Eva M Kubinski, M.S. Comprehensive Regional Assistance Center – Region VI South Dakota Title I Schoolwide Conference September 27, 1999).
There are some others definition of needs Analysis, such as:
“All effective training begins with needs analysis. The training needs survey measures what skills employees have, what they need, and how to deliver the right training at the right time.” (American Society of Training and Development)
“A Needs analysis is a systematic exploration of the way things are and the way they should be. These “things” are usually associated with organizational and/or individual performance.” (D. Stout, Performance Analysis for Training, 1995)
“Needs analysis is an examination of the existing need for training within an organization. It is a gathering of data that enables you to make an informed estimate of the changes desired or demanded by those organizations.” (Stuart Dalziel, Planning and Managing Training and Development)
The word ‘assess’ comes from the Latin term ‘assidere’ which means to ‘sit beside.’ Process-minded and participatory-oriented adult educators “sit beside” learners to learn about their proficiencies and backgrounds, educational goals, and expected outcomes, immersing themselves in the lives and views of their students.” (E. Auerbach, Making Meaning, Making Change, 1994)
“Needs analysis is performed to determine what training will successfully address any skill deficits.” (Cornell, Technology Training Services)
“Needs Analysis is a process used anytime someone carefully asks the question ‘How can I find out what is really happening’ (or needed; at the root of the problem; missing; etc.)?” (Cornell, Needs Analysis Tips and Techniques)
“Data gathering methods by themselves are not a needs analysis. The needs analysis process has to result in decision-making for the process to be complete.” (University of Virginia)
“Needs analysis and needs analysis are interchangeable and have the same purpose and meaning: to assess and analyze. The purpose is to ensure that there is a need for training and to identify the nature of the content of the training program.” (AMX, Training Needs Analysis)
Need Analysis is the process of evaluating and identifying needs in a group or other defined population of people. The needs identification is a process of describing problems of a target population and relevant solutions to these problems.
Need analysis focuses on the future, or what should be done, rather than on what was done as is the most program evaluations focus on (ICYF Evaluation Concept Sheet Spring 2000, The University of Arizona Prepared by Allison L. Titcomb, Ph.D).
From all definitions above, the writer define needs analysis is a process to identifying a need for determining the target of a program or organization, needs analysis can be conducted by evaluating a program and also observe the object of the program’s needs.

Research result from some of the IAIN students from the counseling department that I studied, in essence many did not understand English, because vocabulary was difficult to understand.
There are several questions that I give them, including:
1. What makes you difficult to understand English? Give the reason.
2. Your course, when learning English do you use English for communication?
3. Do you think English plays an important role in your current department? Give a reason.
Some of the students included
1.      Sri Sinta Rahmadhani
. From the counseling department.
He replied: the difficulty in understanding English is when understanding vocabulary, because it is difficult to pronounce it.
When in English lessons, they do not use English for communication. According to him, English is very important in his department (counseling) because there are many theories of counseling that use English.
2.      Nunung.
 From the counseling department.
He replied: what is difficult to understand in English lessons is understanding vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar. When in English lessons, he in the classroom did not use English to communicate. And according to him, English is very important because in theory many use English.
3.      .Selvira Putri
 from the counseling department.
He revealed that the lack of mastered vocabulary, lecturers who taught were not very clever when delivering material. So the learning process is very boring. When learning takes place, do not use English to communicate with each other. According to him, learning English is very important because many questions and materials are explained in English.

4.      Abdul Mardiyah.
 From the counseling department
That ignorance in understanding English is sulut is understood by its vocabulary. Because, learning English that is learned in schools and lectures is more difficult to understand than learning from the media, such as movies, songs and etc.
In learning, not using English because considering the background of my department is counseling. In the department of counseling, English is very necessary considering that there are so many vocabulary words from English.


Conclusions and recommendations Based on the findings following the analysis as described in advance, can be concluded that difficulty learning languages English study program students Guidance and Counseling is varied. Various causes student learning difficulties are as follows:
·         lack of mastery of vocabulary.
·          words that are difficult to understand.
·          the teacher who teaches is boring.
·          lack of practice in English in class.
·          lack of interest in mastering English

Nasution, I.S.P and Macalister, john.2010.Language Curriculum Design .Routledge;New York
http:// id. Scribd.com
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Richards, Jack C. 2001. Curriculum and Materials Development for English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

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