Senin, 11 November 2019

need analysis


Need analysis is the process of examines what the learners know already and what they need to know. A good need analysis involves asking the right quistion and finding answer in the most effective way .The purpose of the need analysis process is to discover what needs to be learned and what the learner what to this proses must have the information gathering tool used.

The analysis of target need can look at:
1. Necessities :what is necessary in the learners use of language
2. Lacks : what do the learner lacks.
3. Wants: what do the learners wish to learn

By analyzing the needs of a program will be relevan and satisfying.

A. Making basic decisions about the needs analysis
1). Who will be involved in the needs analysis?

Four categories of people may become involved in a needs analysis:
a. The target group regarding who the information will be obtained from and usually the target group is students in a program ,or teacher and administrators.
b. The audience is all people who will be given action on the analysis. Thid group usually consists of teachers, assistive teachers.and people involved in language program.
c. The need analysts includes the people resposible for conducting need analysis, including consultants and member teacher related to the work,and others.
d. The resource group are people who act as sources informtion about the target group, such as parents,financial sponsors or the or or student guardian.

2). What types of information should be gathered?
Four philosophies of Need Assessment

a. The democratic philosopy needs are viewed as any change desire by the majority of the group involved (students,teacher, program, administrators,owners).loading to mostdesired learning by the chosen group.
b. The analytic philosophy A need is whatever the students will nayurally learn next based on what is known about them and the learning processes involved
c. Discrepancy philosopy needs are viewed as difference between desired performance from the students and what they are actually doing. Gathering detailed information about what ia needed to change student performance.
d. Diagnostic philosophy A need is anything harmful if missing. Leading to impotant language skills necessary for immigrants to survive.

3). Which point of view should be taken?

One of the task of needs analysis , than, is ti sift through all their early ideas and information and than narrow the the scope of their investigation . the sifting may may begin by sorting through and clearly delimiting the ways that needs that will ultimately be explored.
There are basic dichotomies exist that can help narrow the choices of what to invesrigate.
a. Situation needs versus language needs.
Is the  one that distinguishes between two types of relate to any administrative, financial, logistical, manpower, pedagogic, religiouse, cultural, personal, or other factor that might havean impect on the program. Language needs is about linguistic target behavior which ultimatly must be obtained by students. Information in this category would include details about the circumstances in which the language will be used, the dimentions of language competence involved, the learner’reasons for stadying the language, their present abilities with recpect to those reasons and etc.
b. Objective Need Versus Subjective Need.
Objective needs are those needs determined on the basis of clear-cut, observable data gathered about the situation, the learners, the language that studentsmust eventually acquire, their present proficiency and skill levels,and so on.
Subjective needs are generally more difficult to determine because they to do with”want”,”desire” and “expectations”.
c. Linguistic content versus Learning Processes
The linguistic content position tends to favor needs analyzed objectively from a language needs perspective and spelled out in linguistic terms, whether they be phonemes, morphemes,gramatical structur and etc.
The learning process position leans toward need specified from a situation need perspective, these tend to be more subjectively analyzed needs in the affective domain, such  as motivations and self-esteem.

Brown, James Dean. The Elements of Language Curriculum.

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